I have a separate free e-mail account that I use to sign up for interesting newsletters and such. This account has gotten a bit out of control. So I started cancelling my subscription to some newsletters. Most e-mails I get have a link at the bottom that you can click to unsubscribe.
One such unsubscribe link came from Technology Ladder. However when I clicked the link, I got to a form which tried to get me to fill out a questionnaire explaining why I was requesting a cancellation. I tried to just submit the form and ask for a cancel. But the validation did not let me proceed. I had to fill out a number of required fields on the form. This pissed me off. I can understand the desire to get this type of feedback. But don't make me go through your time wasting form to unsubscribe. Poor form Technology Ladder. No pun intended.
This experience is in stark contrast to that of my NewsMax subscription. I clicked an unsubscribe link on one of my NewsMax emails. It took me to a page where I could just check "unsubscribe all" and click the submit button. Easy as pie. Now I may not want to read the NewsMax newsletter. But I will tell my friends that my NewMax experience was pleasant. Bravo NewsMax. You get a link from me.
Digging Deeper into DEPTREE_TEMPTAB
I had previously written about running a script to set up the
DEPTREE_TEMPTAB table in my schema. I knew it was used to track
dependencies. But I knew li...